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Check-out 22 Sep 24
June Long Weekend in Wrocław. June Weekend? Only at HP Park Plaza!

June Long Weekend in Wrocław. June Weekend? Only at HP Park Plaza!

  1. Długi weekend czerwcowy
27 of February 2023

The long weekend around the Corpus Christi holiday is the perfect time for a getaway. It's worth planning interesting activities in a charming place. Wrocław is the best destination for a few days of sightseeing.

When spending your free time in the capital of Lower Silesia, we encourage you to take advantage of our hotel's services. We have many exciting promotions for the long weekend, ideal for families with children and couples seeking more romantic experiences.

Four-Star Comfort for Corpus Christi in Wrocław

One of our greatest assets is our excellent location. HP Park Plaza Hotel is situated very close to the Old Town. From here, you can easily walk to many of Wrocław’s attractions. It also serves as a great base for exploring further afield in the city.

Why should you visit us for the June long weekend? Our offer includes as many as 177 comfortable rooms. All of them have air conditioning, which is particularly important during the sweltering summer heat. Many rooms also offer a beautiful view of the Odra River and the Ostrów Tumski beyond. This is the perfect option for those who want to fully immerse themselves in Wrocław's unique atmosphere.

We ensure that all our guests have nothing to worry about during their stay at our hotel. Among the amenities we provide is a large secure parking area right next to the hotel, which also has stations for charging electric cars.

On the ground floor of our hotel, there is a charming restaurant serving excellent dishes based on local, fresh products. We encourage you to take advantage of our special offer and book a weekend stay with included meal options. We also offer a spectacular breakfast buffet with fresh baked goods made on-site.

After a day filled with sightseeing, we invite you to our Lobby Bar. It's a place open until late, where you can enjoy excellent drinks and more.

Wrocław for the Long Weekend – What to See?

Wrocław boasts an extremely rich array of attractions, offering something for everyone. Plan your long June weekend in such a way that you can see at least some of them! Our experienced staff will be happy to suggest which places are worth visiting.

Since HP Park Plaza Hotel is located near the Market Square, we encourage you to take a walk through this incredibly atmospheric part of Wrocław. The center is full of architectural gems, including the monumental Town Hall, museums, and other cultural sites. Right next to the city’s market square is the famous Panorama Racławicka. It's also worth visiting the Minor Basilica of St. Elizabeth with an observation point that allows you to admire the center of Wrocław in all its glory.

One of the most popular tourist spots in Wrocław, which is definitely worth seeing, is the zoo and the modern Africarium within it. It’s worth noting that the Wrocław Zoo is the largest and oldest in Poland! Additionally, right next to the zoo, there is the beautiful Japanese Garden, Szczytnicki Park, and Centennial Hall.

These are just some of the attractions you can visit during Corpus Christi in Wrocław. Our staff will be happy to suggest other places and inform you about events and cultural happenings in the area during your stay.

Hotel with SPA Zone in Wrocław – Comfortable Relaxation

After a day filled with tourist attractions, there’s nothing like moments of carefree relaxation. With this in mind, we have prepared a comprehensive SPA offer for our guests. This includes various beauty and rejuvenation treatments, carried out by a qualified team in a pleasant and professional atmosphere.

All guests visiting our hotel for Corpus Christi also have the opportunity to use the free dry sauna. Additional details regarding specific SPA attractions can be obtained at our reception.

HP Park Plaza Hotel Wrocław – The Best Choice for the June Weekend

The satisfaction of our guests is our priority. If you want to spend a long weekend in Wrocław, our role is to ensure that your time in this city is unforgettable. We are happy to help organize your time – for example, we can book tickets for various events, order a taxi, or decorate the room according to your individual requirements.

We warmly encourage you to contact us with any additional questions regarding our offer. We do everything we can to tailor it to our guests' expectations. That’s why HP Park Plaza Hotel enjoys such good reviews!

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
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