Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
Modern and Spacious Business Rooms in Wrocław

Modern and Spacious Business Rooms in Wrocław

  1. Nowoczesne i przestronne sale biznesowe we Wrocławiu
12 of January 2023

Conference Rooms Wrocław - The Perfect Place for Business

Our Hotel is the ideal space for business. We invite those looking for venues to hold corporate meetings, various training sessions, or presentations to take advantage of our offer. With years of experience and established standards, the conferences we organize are highly appreciated by our clients.

Wrocław is an excellent place to organize corporate events. This modern, rapidly growing city with access to an airport provides the perfect backdrop for business meetings, training sessions, or conferences. Located in the heart of the city, HP Park Plaza Hotel offers business clients spacious conference rooms and special offers for accommodation and additional services.

Convenient Location and Facilities

The location of our Hotel is a significant advantage for event organizers and participants alike. Not only does it allow guests to enjoy the proximity of many Wrocław attractions, but it also ensures easy access to all parts of the city. We have a spacious, monitored outdoor parking lot and an underground garage where conference or training participants can leave their cars.

Professional Business Rooms in Wrocław

Many entrepreneurs have already benefited from our services. We encourage you to read the reviews, which are the best proof of the high quality of our services.

At HP Park Plaza Hotel, we offer six rooms that can be used to organize conferences or training sessions, accommodating up to 180 people in total. All rooms have access to natural light, ensuring a very comfortable environment for meetings. Additionally, one of the rooms features an outdoor terrace for conference participants. Our conference facilities will soon expand with the addition of another room - HP Rotunda.

Some of our rooms have a modular layout, allowing very flexible management of the available space. This way, the size can be adjusted to the scale of the event, providing participants with ample space.

Organizing events at our Hotel is a pleasure. Our business rooms are equipped with essential equipment such as screens, modern sound systems, and projectors, allowing for comfortable training and presentations. Free Wi-Fi is available in every room.

Wrocław - Training Sessions in Comfortable Conditions

We understand the needs of our business guests. We can tailor our offer to individual expectations.

For remote workers, we have created the Hotel Office offer. A comfortable room with a desk and fast 400mb/s Internet allows for maximum focus on work. Additionally, we provide a set for making coffee and tea, free use of a printer, copier, and scanner, as well as free parking.

Details about each business room are available on our website. We have included information about room preparation options and the equipment available.

Upon guests' request, we prepare catering to enhance every meeting or conference. The range of services can include a complete lunch menu, as well as snacks and beverages for coffee breaks. Our professional staff ensures that all event participants feel comfortable. For any additional questions or suggestions, we are at your disposal.

For training sessions and other events lasting more than one day, we also provide accommodation in a high, four-star standard. Our Hotel has 177 air-conditioned rooms that will surely appeal to even the most demanding guests.

Free Time After the Conference in the Hotel? Wrocław Awaits!

Thanks to the fact that our Hotel is located in close proximity to the Old Town, it serves as an excellent base for those who want to spend their free time actively and interestingly. Conference or training participants can relax and strengthen business ties by visiting attractive places near HP Park Plaza.

We recommend that those who want to discover the charms of Wrocław visit Ostrów Tumski and the Old Market Square with its beautiful town hall, fountain, and picturesque townhouses. For lovers of modern attractions, we encourage a visit to Wrocław’s Hydropolis - a unique water education center.

We also invite you to our Panorama restaurant and its adjoining terrace. You can taste delicious dishes prepared by our chef and relax on hanging chairs. We also encourage you to visit our lobby bar and try desserts, aromatic coffee, or refreshing soft drinks.

Conference participants staying at our Hotel are recommended to visit the hotel spa and sauna, where they can rejuvenate for the upcoming days of interesting business meetings or training sessions.

HP Park Plaza Wrocław - Rest and Work

We invite you to review the current offer for business clients available on our website. For any additional questions, feel free to contact us. Our professional staff will be happy to provide detailed information about renting individual rooms and other services related to organizing business events.

For those looking for a comfortable place to work, we offer a hotel office. We provide a room with a desk and a private bathroom. For small teams or several-person meetings, we offer coworking on our summer terrace. We provide access to fast Internet, as well as the use of a printer, copier, and scanner. Moreover, those using the above offers receive a special discount at our Panorama restaurant and lobby bar and access to parking spaces on the Hotel premises.

We encourage you to explore other offers targeted at business clients in the “Business” section.

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
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