Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
New Year's Eve in Wrocław

New Year's Eve in Wrocław

  1. Sylwester we Wrocławiu
18 of November 2022

New Year's Eve in Wrocław? Only at Hotel HP Park Plaza.

Entering the New Year with a bang is definitely worthwhile. Anyone seeking extraordinary experiences can find them in our city. A trip to Wrocław will be unforgettable! We invite you to explore our attractive accommodation offer for the New Year's period and all the details regarding stays.

Hotel HP Park Plaza in Wrocław is the perfect place for accommodation during an unforgettable New Year's Eve. Our four-star standard ensures that relaxation in our facility will be a true retreat.

We are conveniently located in the heart of Wrocław. The immediate vicinity of the Old Town, Ostrow Tumski, and the Odra River adds to the unique atmosphere of this place. Picturesque views from the hotel windows also provide a wonderful backdrop for New Year's photo sessions and fireworks watching.

Another advantage of our location is easy access. Guests with cars and those using public transport can easily reach us. There is a tram and bus stop right next to the hotel. We have a large, supervised parking lot and an underground garage where cars can be safely parked.

New Year's Eve Ball in Wrocław - Accommodation

A good New Year's Eve party lasts until the early hours and continues into the New Year. Therefore, we encourage visitors to Wrocław to make reservations at Hotel HP Park Plaza. Our rooms provide comfortable conditions for full recovery after an exhausting New Year's celebration.

Our hotel offers 177 spacious rooms that will surely meet the expectations of even the most demanding guests. We encourage you to explore the various offers available on our website. You can find photos of all types of rooms - Standard, Twin, Superior, Studio, and Apartment - as well as a list of amenities and facilities available in each.

For New Year's Eve, we also offer very favorable promotions, including meals, access to the sauna, free internet, and parking included in the stay. All details can be found in the "special offers" section preceding the New Year's period.

Wrocław Hotel Ideal for New Year's Eve

Hotel HP Park Plaza approaches every event very professionally. We provide decorations and ensure that all guests can fully experience the atmosphere of New Year's Eve.

We are an excellent starting point in any direction in the city. From here, you can walk to the market square, Ostrów Tumski, and the public transport stop is two minutes away if you need to reach other parts of the city.

You can recharge after the New Year's Eve night in our hotel. Delicious breakfast served buffet-style will certainly complement your stay. In our Panorama Restaurant, we offer a variety of menus with vegetarian options.

We strive to constantly evolve and better tailor our offer to the needs of our clients.

Hotel HP Park Plaza Wrocław - for those thirsty for the best fun

The satisfaction of our guests is always our top priority. We ensure that a stay at our hotel fully meets the expectations of our guests.

If you have any additional questions regarding our New Year's offer, please contact us. We will gladly clarify all issues and provide additional information. We are open to suggestions and proposals.

We also encourage you to explore the events organized by our hotel. Detailed information can be found in the relevant sections on our website. We organize unforgettable banquets, special events, communions, baptisms, weddings, and much more!

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
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