Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
Family Lunch in Wrocław

Family Lunch in Wrocław

  1. Obiady weekendowe we Wrocławiu
13 of December 2022

Sunday Lunches at HP Park Plaza Wrocław

Our Hotel is a place where everyone can experience the highest level of comfort and relaxation. We have prepared an offer for all our guests who value shared family moments above all else. We invite you to explore our full offer of delicious Sunday lunches, sure to please everyone!

Sunday lunches are available to all guests of our Hotel. They take place every week in the hotel restaurant between 1 PM and 5 PM. This way, even during a holiday stay, you don't have to miss out on a traditional family meal.

Sunday lunch served in our restaurant mainly features dishes reminiscent of home-cooked meals. We pride ourselves on homemade dishes prepared with fresh, local ingredients. Our professional chefs ensure that all meals are cooked to perfection and beautifully presented.

Our weekend lunch offer is also available to hotel guests checking out on Sundays. In such cases, the checkout time is extended until 5 PM at no extra charge! Sunday Lunch in a Charming Wrocław Location

We strive to make the time spent in our hotel restaurant pleasant for everyone. We offer high-quality dishes tailored to our guests' preferences and maintain a friendly, family atmosphere.

In the summer, there is the possibility of serving family meals on the terrace adjacent to the Hotel. Sunday lunch enjoyed outdoors tastes even better, surrounded by the charming and beautiful views of the Odra River and Słodowa Island.

Our family lunch sets provide exceptional culinary experiences. We are confident that every one of our guests will leave the table satisfied.

Family Lunch and a Stroll Through Wrocław

Our Hotel is located in the heart of the city, surrounded by attractions. The Wrocław Old Town is just a short walk away, making it an ideal place for family relaxation. There is direct access from the hotel terrace to the promenade along the river and the footbridge to Słodowa and Bielarska Islands.

A great idea for after-lunch plans is to visit the Wrocław zoo. It is the oldest and largest zoo in Poland, fascinating both young visitors and adults alike. While there, we recommend visiting the modern Africarium, which features unique inhabitants of the African continent and the surrounding waters.

Wrocław holds many secrets worth discovering with the whole family. Our staff is happy to answer questions about city attractions and provide recommendations on what to see. We also assist with ordering taxis or renting bicycles for easy city travel.

World Cuisines in Wrocław - Lunches in Comfortable Conditions

For Sunday lunches, we offer rich meal sets for 2, 4, and 6 people. We also accommodate special needs, such as vegetarian dishes or children's menus. Children under 12 receive a 50% discount. Detailed information is available on our website.

Our menu is inspired by the best world cuisines but maintains a unique homemade character. This way, you can feel like you're at a true family gathering. The Sunday lunch menu includes soup, a main course, side dishes, and a variety of salads.

We also provide all amenities to make families feel even more comfortable in our Hotel. We offer a play area for children, changing facilities, high chairs for the youngest guests, and easy access for strollers. We pay great attention to creating a family-friendly space that everyone will enjoy returning to!

HP Park Plaza Wrocław - Ideal for Every Family

We encourage all families looking to spend unforgettable time in Wrocław to take advantage of our special offers. We have many promotions that can make your stay at our Hotel even more enjoyable and unique.

For any questions regarding Sunday lunches, please contact our staff. We can provide additional information both on-site and by phone or email.

We also warmly invite you to read the reviews about HP Park Plaza Wrocław. The numerous positive reviews from visiting families with children confirm that our guests highly appreciate the quality of services provided. This is the best recommendation to spend quality family time with us!

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
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