Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24

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Lobby Bar

  1. HP Park Hotele
  2. Hotel Wroclaw HP Park Plaza
  3. Restaurant
  4. Lobby Bar

Book some
time to relax

Lobby Bar opening hours



The hotel's Lobby Bar is an ideal place for a meeting after work or a break during training or conference. It offers a wide range of healthy snacks, hot sandwiches and pastries from our confectionery. All this complemented with aromatic coffee or tea. In addition, individual and business guests will be satisfied by a wide range of alcohols, drinks and cocktails.

Alkohole i napoje
Book some<br>time to relax
Book some<br>time to relax

Kind staff

I think that the restaurant deserves at least one more star. The lobby is very well decorated. Thank you for a very enjoyable stay.

Romak K tripadvisor

Prepared by experienced bartenders


Freshly ground beans straight from our baristas


Tasty pastries, cookies and desserts from our confectionery


Lobby bar open for guests until midnight.


The opportunity to watch sports and news broadcast.


Souvenirs of the visting national football teams of Poland, Russia and Greece at the Euro 2012 competition.

Fancy drinks and tasty snacks

Fancy drinks and tasty snacks

The Lobby Bar offers valued, branded spirits, our bartenders will prepare any type of drink and cocktail on request. You can also order a delicious cake or sandwich.

It is popular to enjoy the atmosphere of watching sports events all together.

Fancy drinks and tasty snacks
COMFORTABLE ARMCHAIRS for a comfortable rest
Fancy drinks and tasty snacks
Fancy drinks and tasty snacks
FOOTBALL MATCH and sports events broadcast
New bar menu

New bar menu

We recommend beer from the Prost Brewery in Wrocław. A selection of three kinds: Pils, Full and Hefe- wheat with banana and clove aromas.

New bar menu
EXQUISITE FLAVORS beer, drinks and coffee
New bar menu
New bar menu
EXCELLENT SERVICE professional bartenders
We are here to help you

We are here to help you

Telephone No.: +48 71 320 85 55

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code: HP
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Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
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