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Corporate Christmas Eve - Wrocław and Surroundings

Corporate Christmas Eve - Wrocław and Surroundings

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  2. Hotel Wroclaw HP Park Plaza
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20 of June 2023

Corporate Christmas Eve - Wrocław and Surroundings

Christmas is a time we primarily dedicate to family, but it's also a wonderful occasion to show appreciation to our colleagues. That’s why HP Park Plaza Hotel has prepared a special offer for business clients. With our help, your corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław will be unforgettable.

For many years, we have been organizing similar events and banquets. Our qualified and experienced staff is ready to assist with all aspects, ensuring that every attendee is fully satisfied.

Our offer includes not only the rental of a well-equipped and decorated room but also professional catering prepared by renowned chefs from our hotel’s Panorama restaurant. A corporate Christmas Eve at HP Park Plaza in Wrocław also provides the option to order additional attractions upon guests' requests, such as musical performances and more.

We encourage you to explore our full offer. If you have any questions or specific wishes, our on-site staff is happy to provide advice and information.

Corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław - Full Offer

Why choose HP Park Plaza? We can organize a corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław for even several dozen people. All this takes place in a beautiful restaurant hall with access to natural daylight and an amazing view of the river flowing right next to the hotel. The surroundings look especially appealing at night, with the illumination of nearby historic buildings and glowing Christmas decorations.

We prepare traditional Christmas dishes using fresh and healthy products. Our catering includes a variety of dishes, also available in vegetarian and vegan versions. The menu can be tailored to the organizers’ individual wishes and needs.

Importantly, our staff ensures the smooth and trouble-free running of the event at all times. We are constantly available to make sure that the corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław held at our venue will be remembered positively and lack nothing.

Corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław - Additional Attractions

Our offer is very comprehensive. Among other things, we offer the possibility of on-site accommodation in one of our 177 comfortable rooms. This is an ideal solution for those inviting employees from other parts of the country or abroad to their corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław.

We are well-connected to the city, so reaching the hotel will not be a problem for anyone. We also have a large parking lot that can accommodate up to 110 cars, so those driving can park their vehicles directly at the restaurant. Additionally, we provide charging stations for electric vehicles as an extra convenience.

We also encourage you to explore our other special offers available on our website. Not only can you organize a corporate Christmas Eve in Wrocław with us, but also other business events such as conferences, team-building events, training sessions, and more.

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
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