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Wrocław Christmas Market - A Unique Festive Atmosphere

Wrocław Christmas Market - A Unique Festive Atmosphere

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04 of June 2023

Wrocław Christmas Market - A Unique Festive Atmosphere

December is a magical time when the air is filled with the spirit of Christmas. For those who love this festive atmosphere, it's a great idea to start celebrating early. The perfect opportunity for this is the Wrocław Christmas Market!

Why visit the Wrocław Christmas Market? This highly popular event attracts crowds of Wrocław residents and visitors to the market square every year. The atmosphere is truly exceptional and magical.

The wonderful mood is created by stunning decorations that form a fairy-tale scenery, forest-scented Christmas trees, the aroma of mulled wine and hot chocolate, and a myriad of other holiday attractions. These are things that are hard to describe and best experienced in person.

All this makes the Wrocław Christmas Market a must-see at least once in a lifetime. Although we are convinced that those who see it once will definitely want to return!

Wrocław Christmas Market - When to Visit?

Those who want to enjoy the market's attractions have plenty of time. This event lasts for over a month. This allows visitors to plan their trip to the city and avoid the dates when the crowds are largest. However, it cannot be denied that the Wrocław Christmas Market is most enchanting on Christmas Day!

We recommend visiting the market during weekend stays in Wrocław. One day may be too short to explore all the attractions available. Especially since time in this magical land flies by very quickly.

The Wrocław Christmas Market opens in the second half of November. This is when the official opening takes place. Visiting this place at this time of year allows you to bid farewell to the autumn blues and significantly improves your mood.

The event continues throughout December and ends with the New Year. Visitors to Wrocław have plenty of convenient dates to choose from!

Wrocław Christmas Market - Attractions

Now that you know when to visit the Wrocław Christmas Market, it's worth asking what you can do there. The possibilities are numerous.

The market’s attractions are diverse, but one of the most notable features is the variety of delicious food available. Visitors can enjoy scrumptious waffles, potato pancakes, kartacze (meat-filled dumplings), pierogi, potatoes with cottage cheese, various meats, highlander cheeses, Turkish sweets, and much more. Each edition offers something new to discover.

The Wrocław Christmas Market has attractions straight out of a magical world. One of them is a three-level fairy-tale house with a viewing terrace and a tower. You can warm up by the fireplace and drink mulled beer or wine.

Children will also have plenty to do. The Wrocław Christmas Market features carousels, various game stalls, and many other attractions that will spark the imagination of the youngest visitors. This makes it an ideal place not only for couples but also for families with children!

It’s worth mentioning that the Wrocław Christmas Market also attracts numerous artists. Street musicians, mimes, and other performers create a captivating spectacle. Stalls offer various handmade crafts made of wood, ceramics, and more.

Wrocław Christmas Market - Where to Stay?

After an intense day at the market, nothing beats a good rest, especially since you’ll want to return the next day fully refreshed. The best option for accommodation during the Wrocław Christmas Market is the HP Park Plaza Hotel.

We are conveniently located in the city center, right by the Oder River. On the opposite bank lies the famous Słodowa Island, and beyond it, a stunning view of the Old Town skyline unfolds, particularly impressive in the evening when the lights are on.

The market square is just a 10-minute walk away, making us the perfect place for those wanting to visit the Wrocław Christmas Market. We offer 177 rooms in Standard, Twin, Superior, Studio, and Apartment types. All are furnished to a high standard and come with amenities such as air conditioning and wireless WiFi.

Our offer caters to couples and families with children. We are also pet-friendly, so you can bring your furry friend along.

We encourage you to take advantage of our special “Wrocław Market” offer and purchase a voucher. This will make your stay much cheaper and include additional attractions and discounts on other services.

Wrocław Christmas Market - HP Park Plaza Offer

Our hotel offers much more than just accommodation. Visitors coming for the Wrocław Christmas Market and staying with us can enjoy many additional attractions.

We highly recommend visiting our SPA zone. We offer a variety of massages and beauty treatments, all in an intimate and friendly atmosphere conducive to complete relaxation.

Guests at HP Park Plaza can also enjoy delicious meals at our hotel restaurant, Panorama. Our chefs specialize in Lower Silesian and European cuisine, using fresh, often regional ingredients. We also make wonderful cakes and desserts on-site.

Our experienced staff is always happy to help all guests. We advise on which market attractions are a must-see. We are also happy to recommend other places worth visiting and book tickets for local events. We are open to individual requests and will do our best to fulfill them. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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