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The Best Museums in Wrocław You Must Visit!

The Best Museums in Wrocław You Must Visit!

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  4. Najlepsze muzea we Wrocławiu, które musisz zwiedzić!
04 of January 2024

The list of museums in Wrocław is truly long and impressive! The capital of Lower Silesia boasts over 100 museums. It's impossible to visit them all, so we’ve prepared a list of the most interesting places that art enthusiasts and those eager to learn about the history of the city should visit. Here are the museums in Wrocław that are definitely worth a visit.

National Museum in Wrocław

The National Museum in Wrocław is the first place that comes to mind when thinking of a "museum in Wrocław." It's no surprise – it’s a true treasure for art lovers. Located in a historic building at pl. Powstańców Warszawy, it houses an impressive collection of Polish art from the Middle Ages to contemporary times. Here, you can find both Renaissance masterpieces and works by modern artists. The permanent and temporary exhibitions attract visitors with their diversity and artistic richness. The permanent exhibitions are dedicated to Polish, including Silesian, and European art. Visitors can admire masterpieces such as Pieter Brueghel the Younger’s "Winter Landscape with Skaters and a Bird Trap" and Jan Matejko’s "Oath of King John Casimir."

The National Museum in Wrocław doesn’t limit itself to displaying art. It regularly organizes lectures, workshops, and other educational events that allow visitors to expand their knowledge of art and Polish history.

Panorama of the Battle of Racławice

Anyone who has ever dreamed of stepping inside a painting should visit this unique museum in Wrocław, located near the Oder River in a distinctive round building. The museum's structure resembles a woven basket or a postmodern experiment, and inside it houses one of the most fascinating attractions in Wrocław.

Created over 100 years ago, the "Battle of Racławice" by artists led by Jan Styka and Wojciech Kossak is a unique work, perhaps even on a global scale. Not only the enormity of the artwork is impressive, but also its form. The special shape of the painting, the visitor’s path, and the lighting create an immersive experience – without the use of modern technology, visitors can literally step into the painting's world. The Panorama of the Battle of Racławice impresses even those who aren’t usually interested in art.

Hydropolis – Environmental Education Center in Wrocław

Hydropolis is a fascinating place on the map of Wrocław, combining science with entertainment. Visitors learn about the history of water from the beginnings of life on Earth to the present day. The museum is divided into seven thematic sections, such as Planet of Water, Deep Zone, and Ocean of Life. Visitors can not only admire exhibits and displays but also experiment, play, and simultaneously gain knowledge about water, which is essential for life on Earth. This is why the museum is especially popular with young tourists.

City Arsenal

The City Arsenal in Wrocław includes two thematic museums: the Military Museum and the Archaeological Museum. Interestingly, the building housing the City Arsenal is historic, dating back to 1459. Military enthusiasts will enjoy exhibits dedicated to ancient, firearms, and edged weapons. The oldest artifacts come from the Stone Age, with significant sections devoted to medieval weaponry.

In the Archaeological Museum, visitors have the chance to see the oldest artifacts from the entire Silesian region. Some artifacts are up to 500,000 years old! This makes the City Arsenal deserving of a spot on the list of "Interesting Museums in Wrocław."

Museum of Natural History

This is a treat, especially for families with children. The Museum of Natural History at the University of Wrocław houses about 3,500 species of various plants and animals. Highlights include a blue whale skeleton, a collection of insects (including exotic butterflies), and an exhibition of reptile skeletons. A visit to the Museum of Natural History is also a rare opportunity to see skeletons of extinct species such as the aurochs and the giant deer.

Museum of Pharmacy

Anyone interested in the appearance of medieval alchemical laboratories should visit the thirteenth-century tenement house "Under the Golden Eagle," where the Museum of Pharmacy is located. Alchemists were the precursors to modern pharmacists and therefore hold an important place in this museum. Visitors can admire old equipment for measuring medicine doses, vials, and other pharmaceutical containers. The reconstruction of an old pharmacy salesroom is also noteworthy.

Museum of Architecture

While there are various museums across Poland, Wrocław can boast the country’s only museum dedicated to different architectural styles. The Museum of Architecture showcases how architectural styles have changed over the centuries. Visitors can view sketches, plans, and photographs depicting buildings from different periods, as well as decorative elements of Silesian homes. The museum's collection of stained glass, which includes the oldest Polish stained glass, leaves almost every visitor impressed.

HP Park Plaza Hotel in Wrocław – A Comfortable Stop for Tourists

One day is certainly not enough to visit all the interesting museums in Wrocław. It’s worth staying in the city for at least a weekend. Which hotel in Wrocław is best for an overnight stay? We recommend choosing a centrally located hotel, allowing quick access to the city’s top attractions.

The four-star HP Park Plaza Hotel welcomes tourists from all over Poland. Located in the heart of Wrocław, most attractions are within easy reach. For instance, the Museum of Natural History is an 11-minute walk from our hotel, and the National Museum can be reached in a 4-minute drive (walkers can get there in 20 minutes). Our hotel restaurant in Wrocław offers tourists delicious dishes to satisfy their hunger after hours of sightseeing.

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