Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
Christmas in Wrocław

Christmas in Wrocław

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  2. Hotel Wroclaw HP Park Plaza
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11 of June 2023

Christmas in Wrocław

Christmas is primarily associated with spending time with family. However, it doesn't necessarily have to take place at home. We encourage you to combine the celebration with a family trip, offering a chance to discover entirely new perspectives on these festive days.

We particularly recommend spending Christmas in Wrocław. This city looks stunning in the winter atmosphere and always has something worth seeing. One of the main holiday attractions is the Christmas market, where you can enjoy excellent food and buy original handicrafts.

Where to Stay? We invite you to stay at the HP Park Plaza Hotel. Our establishment offers special holiday promotions that are sure to delight all guests.

Christmas in Wrocław - Best Offer

Guests choosing to stay at our hotel can select from 177 comfortable rooms. All are decorated to a high standard and come with various amenities. We have options suitable for couples looking to spend a romantic holiday time together, as well as for families looking to experience an unforgettable Christmas in Wrocław.

We ensure that all our guests can feel the full magic of Christmas during their stay. We have prepared a special “Christmas in Wrocław” offer, which includes additional attractions provided by the hotel at no extra cost. We encourage you to contact us and learn more about the details.

We are open to individual requests from our guests. We can decorate the rented room according to your wishes, deliver meals through room service, welcome guests with a welcome drink, and much more!

Christmas in Wrocław - Restaurants

A holiday trip wouldn’t be complete without a traditional Christmas Eve dinner. The Christmas holidays at HP Park Plaza Hotel in Wrocław are no exception. We invite you to visit our “Panorama” restaurant, where all guests can order traditional Christmas Eve dishes and enjoy them with their family.

Our menu is prepared by renowned chefs who use fresh and healthy ingredients. We also offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options, ensuring that everyone can find something to their liking.

With delicious food and a cozy atmosphere, Christmas at HP Park Plaza in Wrocław will be just as special as at home!

Christmas - HP Park Plaza Hotel in Wrocław

A stay in a comfortable room and delicious Christmas Eve dishes are not the only things we offer our guests. Christmas at HP Park Plaza Hotel in Wrocław includes a range of attractions that benefit both the body and the spirit.

We particularly encourage you to visit our SPA zone. A hotel stay is a great opportunity to book a massage or a beauty treatment. Our guests can also enjoy the dry sauna and gym.

Our staff is always happy to assist guests in planning their day. We can point out which attractions are definitely worth visiting and reserve tickets for interesting events. Together, let's ensure that Christmas in Wrocław remains a wonderful and vivid memory for a long time!

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Check-in 21 Sep 24
Check-out 22 Sep 24
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